Our vision for reconciliation
where the ACT and surrounding region truly acknowledges, pays respect to, and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, contributions, knowledge and histories.
YWCA Canberra is committed to working towards reconciliation, which is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider community, for the benefit of all Australians.
Through our current RAP, we demonstrate the principles and practices of reconciliation in our everyday business and set ambitious targets to grow our contribution to our community.
We launched our fourth Stretch RAP in 2024. Through the leadership of our CEO and our RAP Working Group, we continue to monitor and report back on progress against the RAP and outcomes for the local community.
“For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Australia’s colonial history is characterised by devastating land dispossession, violence, and racism. Over the last half-century, however, many significant steps towards reconciliation have been taken.
Reconciliation is an ongoing journey that reminds us that while generations of Australians have fought hard for meaningful change, future gains are likely to take just as much, if not more, effort.”