Advocacy is at the heart of the work we do at YWCA Canberra, and with the vision of girls and women thriving, we strengthen communities by supporting girls and women through our services and advocacy.
Our advocacy agenda is directly informed by the work that YWCA Canberra undertakes across the ACT, drawing on the evidence and knowledge generated by our programs, services, and the research we undertake.

Our Lives: Women in the ACT
The successful Our Lives Survey for Women in the ACT informs YWCA Canberra’s advocacy agenda and priorities for the immediate future.

Election Platform
While significant progress has been made in the ACT towards gender equality, challenges persist. Canberra faces a crisis in housing affordability, with many women struggling to make ends meet.
As part of our advocacy work, YWCA Canberra makes submissions to the ACT Legislative Assembly, the Australian Parliament, and a number of statutory and regulatory authorities on issues that affect women and girls in Canberra, as well as people who use our services.
Reconciliation Action Plan 
YWCA Canberra contributes to Australia’s reconciliation journey through our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The RAP documents activities, targets and workplace expectations throughout all our services. These are activities we have already embedded or are working towards normalising.