

Submission on Electronic Monitoring in the ACT

Submission to Molonglo Town Centre Community Consultation


Response to the Good Character References in the Sentencing of Child Sexual Abuse Matters discussion paper

Response to the Minimum standards for rental properties and occupancy law reform consultation paper

Response to DFSV Strategy

Submission to the 2024-2025 ACT Budget


Submission to National Housing and Homelessness 2023

Submission to ACT Budget 2023-2024 Community Consultation


Submission to the Third Action Plan under the ACT Women’s Plan 2016-26

Submission to the Queanbeyan-Palerang Draft Affordable Housing Strategy

Submission to the Inquiry into Cost of Living Pressures in the ACT

Sexual Assault Reform Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

Submission to the 2022-2023 ACT Budget


Submission to the ACT Planning System Review and Reform

Submission to the review of the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement

Submission to consultation on minimum energy standards for rental properties

Submission to the review of the Australian Curriculum Foundation

ACT Budget Submission 2021-22

YWCA Canberra WGEA Submission 2021


Comment on Amendment to Crimes Act (stealthing)

Submission to Disability Standards in Education review

ACT Budget Submission 2020-2021

COVID-19 Senate Inquiry Submission

Submission to Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System


ACT Budget Submission 2019-2020

2019 Australian Human Rights Commission Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces submission