Who is it for?
Our housing programs might be appropriate for you if you:
- currently have housing (whether a mortgage or renting) and you are in housing stress*, you can access our Supportive Tenancy Service.
- are a single older woman age 50+ (or 45+ for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander women) and are homeless or in housing stress*, you can access our Next Door program.
- are a single woman in unstable housing or homeless, you can access our Affordable housing program.
- are a woman with dependent children (with or without a partner) and are in unstable housing or homeless, you can access our Transitional housing program.
About our
Housing support
Our team has the skill, experience and networks to work with women from all walks of life, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women with disabilities, gender and sexuality-diverse women and culturally and linguistically diverse women.
We also have strong links to other services within the ACT, including medical, social service, legal, domestic violence, and emergency accommodation service providers. This allows us to take a holistic approach to help our clients achieve positive outcomes.
* Housing stress is defined as paying over 30 per cent of your income on housing, whether through a mortgage or rent and being unable to financially support this situation.

If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the ACT, please call One Link on 1800 176 468. One Link can give you information and connect you to the best service to suit you.

Next Door
Next Door is a specialist service that empowers older women to access and maintain affordable, appropriate, and safe homes in the ACT. Through Next Door, we provide a range of services and support for older women who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. This support is tailored to each woman’s individual needs.
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You can contact us directly to become part of our Next Door program, or other community organisations might refer you to us. To find out more about Next Door or to speak to a friendly team member:
- email NextDoor@ywca-canberra.org.au
- call 02 6185 2000
Through Next Door, we can help you find a home, maintain your existing tenancy, or support you to access the services and help you need to live the life you choose, in dignity.
Our team takes a person-centred approach, which means you are in control of decision making. We listen to you, we think together, we coach rather than direct, we share ideas, and we seek feedback.
You can read how we have helped some of our clients: Cate, Lynette, Wendy, Helen, Mary and Cheryl (not their real names).
Affordable Housing
We provide affordable housing at three properties in Canberra for single women who are in unstable housing or homeless.
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When rooms become available in these homes, we advertise them on Allhomes.
Our affordable housing properties include:
- Lady Heydon House -This home provides affordable housing for five single women. Each woman has her own bedroom, sitting room and ensuite, and shares a larger kitchen, dining room and two living spaces.
- Eclipse Apartments – We provide two tenancies to women within the Eclipse Apartments. Each tenancy is a one-bedroom self-contained apartment within a larger apartment complex. The complex offers shared facilities, including a BBQ area and guest parking. These apartments were purchased in 2013 through the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
- Betty Searle House – This home provides safe, affordable housing for up to eight women age 55+ who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. It is an eight-bedroom property with three separate, spacious living areas and a bedroom and ensuite for each tenant. Women share the two adjoining kitchen areas, laundry, living areas and a sunroom leading out to the gardens and they are able to have their own vegetable garden plot if they wish.
If you would like to find out more about our affordable housing services, please contact our team email Housing@ywca-canberra.org.au or call 02 6185 2000.
Transitional Housing Services
We provide supported accommodation services on behalf of the ACT Government for families including women and children, who are in unstable housing or experiencing homelessness.
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You can only be referred to our Transitional housing services through OneLink. We cannot take direct referrals.
We currently have 14 transitional housing properties, which provide short to medium-term accommodation. Rent in our homes is approximately 25 per cent of a family’s combined income; however, capacity to pay is not a criterion of eligibility.
All families in our Transitional housing services have a dedicated Family Case Manager who ensures their needs are addressed through a tailored case plan, advocacy support, and referrals to other specialist services.

Rentwell is YWCA Canberra’s affordable property management service. Through Rentwell, we manage and lease privately owned investment properties in the ACT at below 75 per cent market rate, providing affordable housing to people on moderate incomes who are finding it difficult to enter the private rental market.
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If you own an investment property in the ACT and want to make a lasting difference in the life of a local older woman, single mum or dad, or a family, Rentwell is your opportunity. In return, you will be exempt from land tax and will receive a tax deduction for the difference between the market rent and the affordable rent.
To find out more, visit rentwell.com.au, email Rentwell@ywca-canberra.org.au, or speak to a team member on 02 6185 2000.

YHomes is our development initiatives program in which we build or purchase affordable, suitable, and stable homes. YHomes offers women on modest incomes the opportunity to live independently with dignity.
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As a key initiative within our social housing efforts, YHomes Housing Development represents the next step in our commitment to supporting homeless older women, survivors of domestic violence, and their children. By offering secure housing, we aim to create an environment where residents can thrive, with access to the resources and support networks they need.
YWCA Canberra received approval to construct a mix of supported homes on land we’ve owned for 30+ years, a project that highlights our innovative use of assets for community benefit.
YWCA Canberra’s application to develop housing for women at risk of homelessness was finally given the green light by Planning and Land Management, in 2022 allowing us to finally move forward with the project after facing opposition from a handful of local residents for the past two years. CEO Frances Crimmins expressed gratitude for the community support, underscoring that the development has gone through extensive community consultation and adjustments based on local feedback.
For our housing clients
Information for residents
- Affordable Housing Occupant Information Handbook
- Transitional Housing Occupant Information Handbook
- Maintenance Logs
Information for service users
Other community services
Depending on your needs, these services might be able to help.
Someone to talk to:
Legal advice and support:
Support and assistance for domestic and family violence:
Localised support services:
- Capital Regional Community Services
- Northside Community Service
- Kippax UnitingCare
- Woden Community Services
Aboriginal and Tores Strait Islander medical services:
Financial help: