The YWCA Canberra has been recognised as an Employer of Choice by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) for the fifth consecutive year.
Frances Crimmins, Chief Executive Officer of YWCA Canberra, said the citation recognises the organisation’s continued commitment to gender equality by ensuring its workplace policies and practices advance equal opportunities for employees.
“As a leading feminist organisation, we remain committed to implementing workplace policies and practices that advance gender equality, and working with all industries and government to progress equality across all ACT workplaces,” Ms Crimmins said.
Ms Crimmins said she was pleased that a record number of 140 organisations had been awarded the citation, indicating that commitment to workplace gender equality is gaining momentum. However, she said there is still considerable room for improvement in Australian workplaces.
“Flexible work practices, pregnancy related discrimination and the pay gap are all issues facing women today. Sadly, over the past twenty 20 years the pay gap has remained at around 14 per cent, which is very disappointing.”
“Gender equality will not occur organically; businesses need to make it a priority. Strong leadership, legislative and regulatory reform, and appropriate resourcing are required to make these changes.”
YWCA Canberra is a visible advocate for workplace gender equality, with a generous parental leave policy that supports use by women and men, flexible working arrangements and a board traineeship program to offer a development opportunity for four young women in leadership and governance roles.
“The WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation acknowledges our efforts and communicates a powerful message to employers from all sectors about the necessity for equal opportunity and equal pay for all staff, regardless of their gender,” Ms Crimmins said.
Media contact: Helen Machalias 0455 655 330