The YWCA Canberra Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre (MYLCC) is located in the Lanyon Valley and plays an important role in providing pathways for community members to engage in social, cultural, recreational and educational activities. The MLYCC is funded through the ACT Government community services directorate under the community development program, which aims to build stronger communities.
Below is a list of community services that are currently collocating at MLYCC each week/month. Community members, schools and early childhood staff can drop in and/ or refer families they work with to arrange a time to have a chat with a service at the Centre. The Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre is located at 22 Sidney Nolan Street, Conder, free parking available.
The MLYCC is:
Programs and services operating from the MLYCC include:
Lanyon Food Hub and emergency relief
The Lanyon food hub provides emergency relief to families who are experiencing significant financial distress.

Care Financial 
Drop in and chat with Di about energy support vouchers, bill paying options, reduce energy bills, concessions, and energy scheme programs. Or call 6257 1788 to make appointment.
First Thursday of each month, 9am–12pm.
Or via appointment: 6234 7600
Child & Family
Youth Engagement
YWCA Canberra’s youth services are for young people aged ten to 25 who live, work, and play in Canberra.
Our services engage young people in education, training, social-emotional development and connection to community.
Warm Connections counselling
Long-term support that aims to strengthen family relationships and improve wellbeing.
In-person: Wednesdays, 9am–5pm
Telehealth: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays
Network Coordination
Identification of unmet needs and service delivery gaps, for children, young people and their families.

Canberra PCYC Family Case management 
Drop in or call Dan to make an appointment to chat about PCYC Family Case Management. PCYC uses a strengths-based approach to build positive relationships with young people and families.
Every Thursday during school term 10am–2pm
or call 0401 661 204 to make and appointment
talk to

Teen clinic 
Drop in and chat with Sandy or Thomasina. A free service that provides local teenagers with the opportunity to talk to a nurse about a range of issues including general health and mental health support.
Every Thursday during school term, 2.30–6pm

Conflict Resolution Service (CRS) 
CRS provide evidence-based children, youth and family reunification and dispute resolution services. Drop in and chat with David and Caitlin about Conflict Resolution Services for youth (8-15), young people (8-25) and family support programs.
Every Thursday 9am–12pm

A Gender Agenda 
Gender Pathways is a peer navigation service that aims to assist trans and gender diverse communities and allies with information, resources and referrals to support social, legals and medical affirmation.
Every second Tuesday during school term, 5–7pm

Drop in a chat with Tim or Navroop if you or someone you care about has concerns with Alcohol and or other drug use. This is a free confidential service and provides the opportunity to meet with a specialised AOD Nurse to seek information and support. No booking necessary.
Every second and fourth Thursday of month, 9am–12pm or call 1800 152 772 to make an appointment.
Connect with
Conder Craft Group
Seniors group for craft enthusiasts. Meets monthly.
Cost: $3
First Thursday of month, 1–3pm

Drop in and chat with Jason or call to make an appointment. Menslink Confidential Counselling is available to young guys (or those who identify as a young guy) aged 10-25 at no cost to the young guy or family.
Thursdays during school term, from midday to 5pm

Mindmap offers a free counselling service for Young People 0-25 who are on the waitlist for another service. Active hold is available from 9am- 5pm, 5 days per week.
Learn more
The MindMap ‘Single session support’ offers a ‘one off’ appointment to unpack the current circumstances and challenges for a Young Person and assist with making warm referrals. Both Active Hold and Single Session Intervention can be offered at our primary site in Narrabundah, our outreach post at Mura Lanyon Community and Youth Centre in Conder, or online.
Thursdays during school term, 1 – 5pm

MEGA Mums Pilates Group 
Pilates group for new mums and their young ones.
Learn more
MEGA is a social enterprise run by volunteers. MEGA aims to ensure that no mother is isolated from the community and that every woman is empowered to look after their health and wellbeing. Through very low-cost fitness and wellbeing training options, and sponsored memberships for women facing hardship, MEGA aims to give every mother in Australia access to fitness and wellbeing classes that will improve their health and provide the resilience and support they need to thrive in life.
Mondays, 10–11am
Snow Foundation community bus
The Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre has a 12-seat bus available for hire, which was generously donated by The Snow Foundation.
Community spaces for hire
The MLYCC has several spaces available to community members, organisations and businesses to hire.
How to
Contact us
Want to learn more about our services?
Fill out the form below and a friendly staff member from the YWCA Canberra team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Mura Lanyon Youth and Community Centre 22 Sidney Nolan Street, Conder ACT 2906
Ph: 02 6185 2090