Community Services
We support our community through housing programs, community development, youth engagement, and programs to prevent and respond to domestic and family violence.
Our services focus on building skills and providing important resources to individuals and families, to empower vulnerable individuals and build communities in Canberra.
Children Education and Care Services 
We provide early childhood care and education, before and after school age care, and school holiday programs.
Domestic Violence Support
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic and family violence, help is available.
Housing Support
Safe, affordable and secure housing is a fundamental human right.
Youth Engagement
Learn about our services, programs and events for youth aged 10-25 in Canberra.
Network Coordination
Identification of unmet needs and service delivery gaps, for children, young people and their families.
Mura Lanyon
Youth and
22 Sidney Nolan St, Conder ACT 2906
Weekdays: 9am – 5pm

Lanyon Food Hub & Emergency relief
The Lanyon food hub provides emergency relief to families who are experiencing significant financial distress.
Warm connections counselling
Long-term support that aims to strengthen family relationships and improve wellbeing.