Publications and resources
Annual Reports
Please download our annual reports to gain further insight into the work we do, as well as our achievements over the years. For access to Annual Reports past 2018, please contact us.
Annual Report 2023–24

Annual Report 2022–23

Annual Report 2021–22

Annual Report 2020–21

Annual Report 2019–20

Annual Report 2018–19

Reconciliation Action Plan
Reconciliation Action Plan 2024–27
YWCA Canberra is committed to working towards Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Reconciliation Action Plan 2020–23
YWCA Canberra is committed to working towards Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-19
YWCA Canberra is committed to working towards Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Reconciliation Action Plan 2014–16
YWCA Canberra is committed to working towards Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Reconciliation Action Plan 2011–13
YWCA Canberra is committed to working towards Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Reconciliation Action Plan 2009–10
YWCA Canberra is committed to working towards Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

australia has a black history
Australia has a Black History
YWCA Canberra has released Australia Has a Black History, delves into the true history of colonisation and its lasting impacts on Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This booklet highlights key dates, events, and milestones in the journey of reconciliation, providing a glimpse at the struggles and progress made toward justice and equality, and it offers readers the opportunity to learn about and connect with Aboriginal culture. The booklet is also available in Simplified Chinese, Arabic, and Farsi.

Our lives: Women in the ACT
2023 Our lives: Women in the ACT
With a total of 1049 responses received, this survey report attempts to build on the previous two surveys and develop a holistic understanding of how Canberrans are managing, what their lived reality is like and the effort some are going to, to make ends meet.

2021 Our lives: Women in the ACT
With more than 1200 responses received, 2021 Our lives: women in the ACT is a window into the lives of women and non-binary people in our community during a time that coincided with city-wide lockdowns and unprecedented social and economic change.

Strategic plan
Strategic plan 2023–2028
YWCA Canberra’s Vision is for Girls and Women Thriving. Our Mission is gender equity by strengthening communities and empowering girls and women through our services and advocacy. Our Goal is progress towards gender equality in the Canberra region and beyond.

Leading the change
A Pathway to Gender EqualityACT
YWCA Canberra has released a report setting a clear agenda to achieve gender equality in the ACT. The makes a series of recommendations across four areas that YWCA Canberra believes would have the biggest impact on gender equality for ACT girls and women. This includes gender responsive government, equality in the workplace, a life free from violence and housing security. The report builds on the momentum from the launch of our Gender Equality Report Card, released on International Women’s Day earlier this year.

Bringing on Board
Bring on Board: A guide to establishing a diverse board through a traineeship program
A gift to the community on YWCA Canberra’s 90th anniversary, Bringing on Board is a guide to establishing a diverse board through a traineeship program. Based on our experience through the YWCA Canberra Board Traineeship Program, this guide will help other organisations implement such programs to support representation in Australian boardrooms, with a resultant broader spectrum of ideas, experiences and opinions.

YHomes: One Year On
This booklet reflects on the first year of YHomes, YWCA Canberra’s innovative housing initiative providing safe, affordable homes for women facing housing insecurity. Over the past year, YHomes has made a tangible impact, offering secure accommodation, fostering independence, and supporting women in rebuilding their lives.